The Kavkaz Center editorial staff has received a video statement made by the Caucasus Emirate's Emir Dokka Abu Usman, who stressed that the attack in the Moscow subway on March 29, 2010 had been organized under his personal order.
(click this link to watch the video)
In his video statement, reordered on March 29, 2010, Dokka Abu Usman said that the attack had been a retaliation and a retribution for the massacre by Russian invaders of the poorest residents of Chechnya and Ingushetia, who were picking wild garlic in the Arshty village on February 11, 2010, to feed their families.
He stressed that the killing of the most poor part of local residents had been deliberate, because the criminal FSB special forces finished off innocent civilians with knives, and then mocked on their corpses.
Dokka Abu Usman indicated to all his accusers that the Moscow attack was a legitimate act of retaliation for continued killings of civilians in the Caucasus.
The head of the Caucasus Emirate said "he treats with a grin" all those accusations of terrorism, including those made by politicians and journalists, because none of them accused Putin of the massacre of civilians in Arshty, which was carried out under Putin's orders.
Dokka Abu Usman also said that attacks on Russian territory would continue. He promised new retaliations to the Russians, "who send their gangs to the Caucasus and support their security services, who carry out massacres".
In conclusion, Dokka Abu Usman reminded that he had earlier promised to the people of Russia that they would no more "idly watch the war in the Caucasus on their TV sets, watch it quietly, with no reaction to excesses and crimes committed by their gangs, which are being sent to the Caucasus under the leadership of Putin".
"Therefore the war will come to your streets, and you will feel it with your own lives and skins", the Caucasus Emirate's Emir Dokka Abu Usman warned.
Allahuakbar !!!